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#   Mud Patch porewater chemistry 
#     Porewater DIC & alkalinity, with additional carbonate calculations
#   PI: J. Bernhard (WHOI)
#   version: 2016-12-16
sample                event  lat     lon       date        time  yrday_utc  ISO_DateTime_UTC         depth_w  DIC    alkalinity  pCO2  carbonate  Om_calcite  pH    
EN524-10_pw_0-1cm     MC10   40.438  -70.4969  2013-05-20  1535  140.6493   2013-05-20T15:35:00      77       2393   2241        4143  16         0.39        7.01  
EN524-10_pw_1-2cm     MC10   40.438  -70.4969  2013-05-20  1535  140.6493   2013-05-20T15:35:00      77       2478   2450        1986  39         0.92        7.36